Barred Owl Strix varia Barton, 1799    Synonyms: BADO.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Chordata   >   Class Aves   >   Order Strigiformes   >   Family Strigidae   >   Genus Strix   


Barred Owls are found statewide in wooded habitats, especially near water.


Hunts a wide variety of rodents, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. Sometimes falls prey to larger Great Horned Owl. Relies on mature trees for nesting cavities.

There are 791 records in the project database.

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A Barred Owl in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (12/10/2011). Photo by Mark Johnson. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Somerset Co., Maryland (5/11/2009). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)(More of this species)

A Barred Owl in Howard Co., Maryland (4/22/2017). Photo by Anthony VanSchoor. (MBP list)

Barred Owl at nest cavity in an American Sycamore in Baltimore Co., Maryland (4/18/2013). Photo by Kye Jenkins. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (12/17/2016). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Caroline Co., Maryland (5/25/2022). (c) Jonathan Irons, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jonathan Irons. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Howard Co., Maryland (1/1/2017). Photo by Anthony VanSchoor. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Howard Co., Maryland (2/13/2013). Photo by Nancy Magnusson. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (4/17/2020). (c) Jonathan Irons, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jonathan Irons. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Howard Co., Maryland (6/1/2017). Photo by Anthony VanSchoor. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Dorchester Co., Maryland (8/10/2022). (c) Jim Brighton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Montgomery Co., Maryland (4/26/2021). (c) Matt Felperin, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Matt Felperin via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Prince George's Co., Maryland (1/2/2017). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Prince George's Co., Maryland (9/6/2021). (c) Sergei Drovetski, all rights reserved. Photo by Sergei Drovetski. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Wicomico Co., Maryland (6/14/2022). (c) Jonathan Irons, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jonathan Irons. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Dorchester Co., Maryland (6/28/2022). (c) Jonathan Irons, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jonathan Irons. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Calvert Co., Maryland (1/27/2015). Photo by Andy Connelly. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Frederick Co., Maryland (2/11/2017). (c) bobgeary, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by bobgeary via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (4/27/2013). Photo by Jim Stasz. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Montgomery Co., Maryland (11/7/2020). No rights reserved. Photo by Andy Wilson via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Montgomery Co., Maryland (12/11/2022). (c) Stephen John Davies, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Stephen John Davies via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/18/2019). (c) Matt Felperin, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Matt Felperin via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl owlet in Howard Co., Maryland (4/3/2020). Photo by Sue Muller. (MBP list)

A juvenile Barred Owl in Baltimore City, Maryland (4/11/2020). (c) nodowd, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by nodowd via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl roosting in Baltimore Co., Maryland (11/27/2015). Photo by Keith Eric Costley. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl roosting in a nesting cavity in American Sycamore, Howard Co., Maryland (1/16/2014). Photo by Bonnie Ott. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in Howard Co., Maryland (2/2/2019). Photo by Bonnie Ott. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Montgomery Co., Maryland (4/26/2021). (c) Matt Felperin, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Matt Felperin via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Barred Owl in Montgomery Co., Maryland (4/26/2021). (c) Matt Felperin, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Matt Felperin via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A fledgling Barred Owl in Maryland (5/22/2011). Photo by Chris Barnard. (MBP list)

A young Barred Owl in Dorchester Co., Maryland (6/17/2008). Photo by Dan Haas. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl owlet in Harford Co., Maryland (4/26/2018). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

A young Barred Owl in Howard Co., Maryland (6/9/2015). Photo by Tim Carney. (MBP list)

Young Barred Owls nearly ready to leave the nest in Talbot Co., Maryland (4/19/2015). Photo by Danny Poet. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl roosting in Howard Co., Maryland (4/2/2014). Photo by Bonnie Ott. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl in flight in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (12/17/2016). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Barred Owl being banded in Garrett Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Alina Martin, all rights reserved. Photo by Alina Martin via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A Barred Owl spotted by the Seymour family in Montgomery Co., Maryland (11/17/2016). Photo by Audrey Seymour. (MBP list)

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