Dutch Elm Disease Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) Nannf.Invasive    
Kingdom Fungi   >   Phylum Ascomycota   >   Class Sordariomycetes   >   Order Microascales   >   Family Ceratocystidaceae   >   Genus Ophiostoma   


Dutch Elm Disease is an invasive species in Maryland (MISC 2022).
Ophiostoma ulmi was introduced to the United States through imported timber in the 1920s. A second species, Ophiostoma novo-ulmi was introduced in the 1940s. Reports of either species without molecular confirmation are speculative.


Dutch Elm Disease is caused by a microscopic fungus. It infects elm trees and had a major impact on planted American Elms (Ulmus americanus). The disease is spread by bark beetles.

There are 0 records in the project database.

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MBP marks as "Invasive" any taxon listed in the Maryland Invasive Species Council (MISC) list of Invasive Species of Concern in Maryland. You can read their criteria and review the lists here: https://mdinvasives.org/species-of-concern/.

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