Mysterious Lantern Firefly Photuris mysticalampas Heckscher, 2013G2 (Globally rare)  -  S1 (Highly state rare)    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Coleoptera   >   Family Lampyridae   >   Genus Photuris   


Mysterious Lantern Firefly is a "rare habitat specialist known from just six localities within Sussex County, Delaware, and Wicomico County, Maryland, on the Delmarva Peninsula. Five of these six sites are in the Nanticoke River watershed. The main threats to this species are habitat loss due to sea level rise and increased storm surges associated with climate change." (NatureServe)

There are 5 records in the project database.

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Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) aaronr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Aaron via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) aaronr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Aaron via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) aaronr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Aaron via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) aaronr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Aaron via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Jim Brighton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Roshan Vignarajah, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Roshan Vignarajah via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Jim Brighton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) aaronr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Aaron via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) aaronr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Aaron via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Jim Brighton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Roshan Vignarajah, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Roshan Vignarajah via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Mysterious Lantern Firefly in Wicomico Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Jim Brighton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

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