Hairy False Gromwell Lithospermum parviflorum Weakley, Witsell, & D. EstesEndangered (MD)  -  S1 (Highly state rare)    Synonyms: Onosmodium bejariense, Onosmodium hispidissum.
Kingdom Plantae   >   Division Tracheophyta   >   Class Magnoliopsida   >   Order Lamiales   >   Family Boraginaceae   >   Genus Lithospermum   

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Soft-hair Marbleseed in Iowa Co., Wisconsin (9/4/2011). In Maryland Soft-hair Marbleseed is highly state rare (S1) and is considered endangered. Maryland Natural Heritage Program uses the synonym Onosmodium molle. Photo by Corey Raimond. (MBP list)

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