Dagger Laphria Laphria sicula McAtee, 1919    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Diptera   >   Family Asilidae   >   Genus Laphria   


Laphria sicula is part of a difficult complex of small, black Laphria which are troublesome to identify. Males can be identified by structure of the genitalia, and the presence/absence and shape of small prongs on the posterior margin of the sixth abdominal tergite. They can occasionally be identified from a sharp macro photo (or ideally, a series of photos, or a specimen). Females are essentially unidentifiable without dissection, unless they are collected in copula with a male (hopefully these don't readily hybridize!). Photos that cannot be determined to species (including all females) should be placed in the Laphria canis complex. Thank you.

There are 4 records in the project database.

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A Dagger Laphria in Allegany Co., Maryland (8/4/2018). Determined by B. Coulter & T. Hedlund/BugGuide. Photo by Jim Moore. (MBP list)

A Dagger Laphria in Carroll Co., Maryland (6/25/2011). Photo by Bill Johnson. (MBP list)

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