Ebony Jewelwing Calopteryx maculata (Beauvois, 1805)    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Odonata   >   Family Calopterygidae   >   Genus Calopteryx   


This species is one of the most common and familiar odonates, and occurs in every county in Maryland. They are common to abundant on many stream habitats, from small seeps to creeks to small rivers. The brilliant metallic green body, and broad, black wings of the male, present a striking visage. This distinctive species is easily recognized even by casual observers.

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A male Ebony Jewelwing in Baltimore Co., Maryland (7/3/2015). Photo by Tim Carney. (MBP list)

An Ebony Jewelwing photographed on the campus of UMBC, Baltimore City, Maryland (9/25/2006). Photo by Frode Jacobsen. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing in Worcester Co., Maryland (6/17/2014). Photo by Frode Jacobsen. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing in Baltimore City, Maryland (6/1/2007). Photo by Thomas Wilson. (MBP list)

A female Ebony Jewelwing in Baltimore City, Maryland (6/1/2007). Photo by Thomas Wilson. (MBP list)

An Ebony Jewelwing in Baltimore Co., Maryland (7/1/2009). Photo by Pauline Horn. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/21/2019). (c) Judy Gallagher, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Judy Gallagher. (MBP list)

A female Ebony Jewelwing in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/7/2016). Photo by Pauline Horn. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/26/2022). (c) Lindsay D. Loyd, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Lindsay D. Loyd via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/16/2018). (c) Katja Schulz, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Katja Schulz via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

An Ebony Jewelwing in Howard Co., Maryland (7/5/2020). Photo by Dean Mahlstedt. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Howard Co., Maryland (6/27/2020). (c) Timothy Reichard, all rights reserved. Photo by Timothy Reichard. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwings in Charles Co., Maryland (7/9/2006). (c) Bill Hubick, all rights reserved. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

An Ebony Jewelwing at the Jemicy School in Baltimore Co., Maryland (8/26/2013). Photo by Emily Stanley. (MBP list)

An Ebony Jewelwing in Baltimore City, Maryland (7/4/2014). Photo by Mike Hudson. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (6/22/2020). (c) pcowartrickmanphoto, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Pamela Cowart-Rickman. (MBP list)

An Ebony Jewelwing displaying the long leg spines characteristic of all jewelwings in Baltimore Co., Maryland (7/21/2016). Photo by Pauline Horn. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Howard Co., Maryland (6/23/2019). (c) Peggy Muddles, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Peggy Muddles via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing collected in Prince George's Co., Maryland (June 2013). Photo by USGS PWRC. (MBP list)

A female Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (June 2013). Photo by USGS PWRC. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (June 2013). Photo by USGS PWRC. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (June 2013). Photo by USGS PWRC. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing collected in Prince George's Co., Maryland (June 2013). Photo by USGS PWRC. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing collected in Prince George's Co., Maryland (June 2013). Photo by USGS PWRC. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing collected in Prince George's Co., Maryland (June 2013). Photo by USGS PWRC. (MBP list)

A male Ebony Jewelwing at the Jemicy Upper Scholl in Baltimore Co., Maryland (7/1/2015). Photo by Emily Stanley. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/11/2013). (c) Sam Droege, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Sam Droege. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/11/2013). (c) Sam Droege, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Sam Droege. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/11/2013). (c) Sam Droege, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Sam Droege. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/11/2013). (c) Sam Droege, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Sam Droege. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/11/2013). (c) Sam Droege, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Sam Droege. (MBP list)

An Ebony Jewelwing in Frederick Co., Maryland (6/22/2017). Photo by Robert Warren. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/21/2020). (c) kbarylski, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by kbarylski via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/11/2013). (c) Sam Droege, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Sam Droege. (MBP list)

Ebony Jewelwing in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/11/2013). (c) Sam Droege, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Sam Droege. (MBP list)

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