Eastern Newt Notophthalmus viridescens (Rafinesque, 1820)    Synonyms: Eastern Red-spotted Newt, Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens, Red Eft, Red-spotted Newt.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Chordata   >   Class Amphibia   >   Order Caudata   >   Family Salamandridae   >   Genus Notophthalmus   


Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) is a common aquatic salamander with an interesting life cycle. The adults are fully aquatic, and breed in many types of ponds, lakes, ditches or marshes with good water quality. Eggs are fertilized in spring, and hatch several weeks later into aquatic, gilled larvae, which develop for about three months. After this point, they undergo metamorphosis and emerge on land as a terrestrial juvenile form, the red eft. They usually remain in the eft stage for one to three years, before changing into the aquatic adult form. This is one of the most complex life cycles in salamanders (Conant & Collins, 1998; Maryland DNR site; Virginia Herpetological Society site). Red-spotted Newt is found throughout most of Maryland, but probably more rare on the eastern shore, where there are four counties without records.

There are 708 records in the project database.

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An Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (9/5/2016). Photo by Justin Lee. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (9/19/2018). Photo by Robert Ferraro. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2014). Photo by Frode Jacobsen. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Frederick Co., Maryland (7/22/2015). Photo by Bonnie Ott. (MBP list)

An adult Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2013). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (8/20/2015). Photo by Tyler Bell. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Allegany Co., Maryland (6/18/2017). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

A 'red eft' Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Bill Hubick, all rights reserved. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

An adult Eastern Newt in Allegany Co., Maryland (6/5/2005). Photo by Wayne Longbottom. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Calvert Co., Maryland (7/11/2020). Photo by Ben Springer. (MBP list)

Eastern Newt in Montgomery Co., Maryland (2/28/2021). (c) Stephen John Davies, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Stephen John Davies via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/31/2022). (c) Alina Martin, all rights reserved. Photo by Alina Martin via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (8/17/2021). (c) Emilio Concari, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Emilio Concari. (MBP list)

Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (8/21/2021). (c) Emilio Concari, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Emilio Concari. (MBP list)

Eastern Newt in Garrett Co., Maryland (8/17/2021). (c) Emilio Concari, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Emilio Concari. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Baltimore Co., Maryland (4/2/2016). Photo by Keith Eric Costley. (MBP list)

Eastern Newt in Charles Co., Maryland (8/20/2021). (c) geckobrah, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by geckobrah via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

An Eastern Newt in Baltimore Co., Maryland (4/2/2016). Photo by Keith Eric Costley. (MBP list)

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