Trindade Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869Worcester only  -  Reviewable (MD/DCRC)    Synonyms: HEPE, Trindade Petrel.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Chordata   >   Class Aves   >   Order Procellariiformes   >   Family Procellariidae   >   Genus Pterodroma   

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Maryland's first record of Herald Petrel, spotted east of Baltimore Canyon in Maryland waters during an exceptional pelagic trip (8/25/2012). Photo by Mikey Lutmerding. (MBP list)

Maryland's first record of Herald Petrel, spotted east of Baltimore Canyon in Maryland waters during an exceptional pelagic trip (8/25/2012). Photo by Mikey Lutmerding. (MBP list)

Maryland's first record of Herald Petrel, spotted east of Baltimore Canyon in Maryland waters during an exceptional pelagic trip (8/25/2012). Photo by Mikey Lutmerding. (MBP list)

Maryland's first record of Herald Petrel, spotted east of Baltimore Canyon in Maryland waters during an exceptional pelagic trip (8/25/2012). Photo by Mikey Lutmerding. (MBP list)

Maryland's first record of Herald Petrel, spotted east of Baltimore Canyon in Maryland waters during an exceptional pelagic trip (8/25/2012). Photo by Mikey Lutmerding. (MBP list)

One of 15 Herald Petrels (Trindade Petrels) seen far offshore Maryland (7/31/2013). Photo by Tom Johnson. (MBP list)

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