Ghost Tiger Beetle Ellipsoptera lepida (Dejean, 1831)G3G4 (Globally vulnerable)  -  Endangered (MD)  -  S1 (Highly state rare)    Synonyms: Cicindela lepida.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Coleoptera   >   Family Carabidae   >   Genus Ellipsoptera   


The Ghost Tiger Beetle (Ellipsoptera lepida) is a widespread species found in deep sand habitats, including sand pits and coastal dune habitats across much of North America, though extant sites are often widely disjunct. The expanded maculations, pale appendages, and dense white setae make this species extremely cryptic on dry sand, and it is often said that when it is stationary, its shadow is more visible than the beetle. This species has declined in many places, and is vulnerable to plant succession, sand extraction, foot traffic, and vehicle traffic, and ATV use (Knisley & Schultz, 1997). In Maryland, it is restricted to Worcester Co., and is ranked as S1 (highly state rare).

There are 11 records in the project database.

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A Ghost Tiger Beetle in Burlington Co., New Jersey (7/10/2011). In Maryland the Ghost Tiger Beetle is highly state rare (S1) and is considered endangered. Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Mating Ghost Tiger Beetles in Jackson Co., Ohio (7/25/2010). Photo by Ben Coulter. (MBP list)

Ghost Tiger Beetle in Jackson Co., Ohio (7/25/2010). Photo by Ben Coulter. (MBP list)

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